BRAT presents check for nearly $15k to TPRA...

The Tennessee Park Rangers Association accepted a check for just shy of $15,000 on behalf of the 34th annual Bike Ride Across Tennessee event. This is a tremendous accomplishment and an honor for the board to accept. The proceeds of this event are shared between the hosting park(s) and the TPRA. With well over 300 riders participating in the event, Cumberland Mountain State Park, who hosted the event was able to bring in nearly $80,000 in revenue during the week long event.

The Bike Ride Across Tennessee is a showcase that highlights many of Tennessee’s finest and most diverse landscapes. Participants will ride hundreds of miles throughout the week cruising through parks, towns, and scenic vistas all while being supported by our law enforcement rangers, staff members and volunteers. Without this group effort and the many hands it takes, this event would not be sustainable. It’s safe to say that the BRAT is a hit and has been for a long time!

The funds generated from the 2021 Bike Ride Across Tennessee will directly benefit the Tennessee State Park Rangers who apply for scholarships. Rangers can use these funds to offset or overcome the costs associated with trainings, educational workshops, travel expenses, lodging which helps support the mission of the TPRA which is… To promote professionalism and raise hiring standards, improve communications, upgrade working conditions, support and participate in active training programs, and champion common concerns among the members of the Tennessee Park Rangers Association and those individuals representing Tennessee State Parks.

Thank you to those who supported this event and our Tennessee State Park Rangers!

The TPRA board accepting check from TSP Marketing Manager Heather McGee & BRAT Coordinator, Anthony Jones.